National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’
The Directorate is responsible for overall leadership of the organisation. The Directorate is directly responsible for managing communications with the Board and facilitating and managing the government’s obligations for major Public Investment Programs undertaken in the fisheries sector.
Core Functions
• Providing effective and transparent governance and ensuring that NFA is adequately resourced to perform its mandated functions and responsibilities
• Advising Government in all fisheries matters in full compliance with the Fisheries Management Act 1998
• Conducting the affairs of NFA in line with the Fisheries Management Act 1998
• Formulating strategic documentation for NFA Board consideration in relation to:
Strategic directions & opportunities including policy on risk management
Corporate Plan implementation
Annual Work Plan
Annual Budget
Performance Measures
Fisheries Management
Risk Management
Legal/regulatory compliance
Monitoring internal control system
Monitor stakeholders feedback
Priority Objectives
• To ensure transparent and accountable executive decisions are provided and implemented on all policy and operational matters
• To provide leadership and open communication in pursuit of sustaining a client focused knowledge- based organisation
Priority Actions
• Ensure regular and productive NFA Board and Senior Management Committee (SMC) Meetings
• Effective and timely implementation of Board Decisions
• Comply with agreed external and internal reporting frameworks
• Consolidate the Directorate Unit to ensure appropriate capacity levels for effective operation
Key Performance Indicators
• Board and SMC meeting minutes confirm regular meetings and demonstrate productive decision making
• Annual Work Plans developed, implemented and monitored
• Leadership approval by key stakeholders