National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

The tuna industry consultation brings together representatives from the government departments and agencies including the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency, Fishing Industry Association and key development partners together with senior officers of the National Fisheries Authority (NFA) to meet and discuss with managers and operators of tuna fishing fleets and processing plants.
The purpose of the consultation is for the dissemination of government policies and to ensure that industry is well-informed about new policy initiatives or changes in fisheries management, labour, immigration, vessel registration, etc. that may affect their operations. The industry also provides an overview of their current operations and highlight challenges and issues that impedes or limits their operations. The ultimate aim is to ensure that the industry complies with legislations and policies and the government address impediments and work towards having an environment that is conducive for the growth of vibrant and viable industries.
The agenda and direction of the consultation will be guided by the following objectives:
Objective I. Sustainable fisheries management and development
The core function of the NFA is to ensure the sustainable management and development of fisheries and marine resources. Presentations and discussions will focus on sustainable tuna fisheries management and development and will include major guiding policies and documents such as the PNG Fisheries Strategic Plan 2021 to 2031, the management of purse seine fishing effort in PNG and the waters of the Parties to the Nauru Agreement under the Vessel Day Scheme (VDS) and PNG’s initiative towards increasing volumes of tuna processed by PNG based processors through the Rebate Scheme.
Objective II. Status of tuna fishing and processing and way forward
The tuna fishing and processing industry will provide an update on their operations and highlight issues and challenges facing the sector. A highlight in this session will be presentations by the PNG Fishing Industry Association on the industry’s performance as holder of Marine Stewardship Council certification for all tuna catch within PNG waters. The PNG FIA utilizes Integrated Fisheries Management System (IFIMS) in ensuring real-time monitoring for traceability throughout the supply chain and the chain of custody. It will also cover presentations on what the industry’s programs in putting in place "social responsibility & human rights welfare on board fishing vessel”, and “marine litter & fishing gear mitigation and management”.
Objective III. Enabling environment for a viable industry
The Forum Fisheries Agency will provide an update on the push by Pacific Islands Leaders to establish tuna fisheries regional processing hubs as a vehicle to support growth in the region. The head of the European Union Delegation to PNG will highlight latest policies on access to the European Union market. It will be followed by contributions from national government departments and agencies on their respective roles that they play to facilitate investments, ensuring access to markets and provide services which contribute to an enabling environment for a viable tuna fishing and processing industry.
Objective IV. Environment, Capacity Development and Technology Issues
Environment, capacity development and technology are important considerations for the tuna industry. Discussions will be centered on what the government through NFA are doing to provide appropriate training and capacity-building in fishing and post-harvest and also look at the use of technology in provision of fisheries management as well as in fishing and management of fishing fleets.
Day 1
"PNG Fisheries Strategic Plan 2021-2031
Justin Ilakini - a/MD, National Fisheries Authority
"Sustainable Management of of Tuna Fisheries in Papua New Guinea: Focusing on the Vessel Days Scheme”
Mr Thomas Usu, Acting Executive Manager, Fisheries Management (NFA)/Mr Brian Kumasi, Policy Manager, PNA Office, Majuro
"Rebate Scheme Policy and Implementation"
Mr Rodney Kirarok, Marine Program Officer (PIF - Fiji)/Mr Gerry Katai, CDS/Rebate Officer (NFA)
"Status of Tuna Industry Development in Papua New Guinea"
Mr Geoff Puri – Acting Executive Manager, PSID (NFA)
"Development of Enabling Infrastructure – current and future investments"
Mr John Dotson, Acting Deputy Managing Director (NFA)
"Promoting efficient tuna industry growth and development through provision of enabling infrastructure”
Mr John Rina, Acting FAS, Industry Division, Dept of Commerce & Industry
"A Re-look at the Growth of the Fishing & Processing Industry"
Mr Sylvester B Pokajam - President/Chairman, FIA-PNG
"Fishing Industry Association (PNG) Responsible Sourcing Policy: 4 Pillars”
Mr Marcelo Hidalgo - FIA Director Sustainable