National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

The National Fisheries College (NFC), under the aegis of the National Fisheries Authority, is PNG’s leading fisheries and marine resources training and education institution providing technical and applied training in capture fisheries, post-harvest, cultured, marine resource management and sustainable development
The National Fisheries College is the only Division of the National Fisheries Authority based outside of Port Moresby. We are located in Kavieng, New Ireland Province. The College provides a diverse range of training services to a wide variety of clients across branches of Government, Pacific Islands’ fisheries administrations, regional and international organisations, the general public and the private sector
All training is competency-based for all Programs. The NFC has some of the best training facilities in the country including the state-of-the art Nago Island Mariculture Research Facility. In addition the NFC campus boasts of properly maintained halls of residence, and catering services for residential Trainees
Our existence is defined by our purpose, which is undertaking strategic and sustained interventions in support of sectoral skills development and enhancement, and effective policy implementation
Our strategic objective is to ensure the provision of high-quality and appropriate technical and practical training opportunities to the fisheries sector to enhance production, processing and general capacity for the sector, thus contributing effectively to the national economy of Papua New Guinea.
The main programs found at the NFC are :
Commercial Fishing Operation Program –Providing training for Commercial Fishing Vessels and Artisanal Fishery in the fishing communities
Post-Harvest Operations Program - Providing training for Fish Processing Facilities and Artisanal Fishery in the fishing communities in PNG
Aquaculture Program - Providing training for Commercial Aquaculture Farms and Community fish farming
Governance and Compliance Program - Providing training for Governance and compliance in the fisheries sector
Fisheries Business Program- Providing training for Fisheries communities and other in the Industry
Matia Rikis
Acting Principal NFC

Catherine Natsek
Program Leader: Post-Harvest Operations

Richard Ganbui
Student and Services Manager

Matia Rikis
Deputy Principal

Philomena Sinkau
Program Leader: Aquaculture

Bernard Bua
Program Leader: Commercial Fishing Operations

Maria Huaniangre
Program Leader: Fisheries Business
Our main campus is situated in Kavieng, New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea.
Here in Kavieng we also have a Waterfront satellite campus with professional fishing and safety training facilites, as well as our Nago Island Marine Research Institution a small boat ride away

Training conducted under this program target the Capture and Fisheries Fields and associated Seamanship Training required for the Commercial Industry and the Artisanal Fishing Communities.
Formal Qualifications:
FC1G17 - Certificate 1 in Commercial Fishing Operations
FC1P17 - Certificate 1 in CFO (Purse Seine)
FC2SC17 - Certificate 2 in Commercial Fishing Operations (Coastal Skipper)
FC2AE17 - Certificate 2 in Commercial Fishing Operations (Assistant Engine Driver)
FC3M17 - Certificate 3 in Commercial Fishing Operations (Offshore <24 meters)
FC3ED17 - Certificate 3 in Commercial Fishing Operations (Engine Driver - Grade 2)
FC0BST19 - Certificate in Basic Safety Training
Artisanal / Community Fisheries Courses:
FC0SFO17 - Certificate in Small Fishing Operations
FC0CFFAD17 - Certificate in Constructing and Deploying a Fish Aggregating Device

Training found under this program are targeted towards Fish Farmers in Aquaculture and Mariculture farms both in Commercial and Local Farms
Formal Qualifications:
FQ117 - Certificate 1 in Aquaculture
FQ217 - Certificate 2 in Aquaculture
FQ317 - Certificate 3 in Aquaculture
FQ417 - Certificate 4 in Aquaculture
Artisanal / Community Fisheries Courses:
FQ0APONICS17 - Certificate in Aquaponics - Concepts of integrated Plant and Fish Farming

This program targets fish handling and handling and processing for the Commercial Industry. In addition, training is also provided for fish handling techniques required for Artisanal and Community Fishing Procedures.
Formal Qualifications:
FP117 - Certificate 1 in Post-Harvest Operations
FP217 - Certificate 2 in Post-Harvest Operations
FP317 - Certificate 3 in Post-Harvest Operations
FP417 - Certificate 4 in Post-Harvest Operations
FP0HACCPB17 - Statement of Attainment in HACCP - Basics
FP0HACCPI17 - Statement of Attainment in HACCP - Advanced
FP0RP17 - Statement of Attainment in Understanding a Retort Process
FP0CIFSA17 - Statement of Attainment in Conduct - Internal Food Safety Audit
Artisanal / Community Fisheries Courses:
FP0AMFSR17 - Statement of Attainment in Applying and Monitoring Food Safety Requirements

Training under this program is targeted towards Governance and Compliance areas of the Fishing Industry.
Formal Qualifications:
FGC217 - Certificate 2 in Fisheries Officer Operations
FGC317 - Certificate 3 in Fisheries Officer Operations
FGC4EC17 - Certificate 4 in Fisheries Officer Operations (Enforcement & Compliance)
FGC4GF17 - Certificate 4 in Fisheries Officer Operations (General Fisheries Operations)

Programs conducted here are designed towards small and medium enterprise organizations or individuals willing to do business in the fisheries sector
FB0BA17 - Certificate in Business Awareness
FB0BP17 - Certificate in Business Planning
FB0FA17 - Certificate in Financial Analysis
FB0MFC17 - Certificate in Managing a Fishery Cooperative


(More coming soon)
National Fisheries College Celebrates International Seafarers Day
The National Fisheries College (NFC) is a business unit of the National Fisheries Authority that is specialised in providing competency-based specialised skills training for the fisheries sector of Papua New Guinea and the wider Pacific Islands region.
On the 25th of June, the NFC celebrated its 1st International Seafarers Days. Captain Rhonda Pari, a female seafarer and Instructor at NFC shared her career achievements from when she was a Cadet to becoming a Mate Class 3.
“My seafaring career began after completing my fishing technology cadetship program here at the National Fishing College. I was fortunate to venture into the merchant shipping sector as a Cadet working with Island Shipping. I spent seven years with them and it opened my career pathway. I left Island Shipping in 2007 to join P&O. In 2011, while I was with P&O, I went back to PNG Maritime College and got my Mate Class 3. After that I joined Steamships and worked with them on the Consort Express Line. I left and then joined National Fisheries College in 2015. I also had a chance to work with Exon Mobil PNG at the PNG LNG site as a Loading Master”.
“Working in an industry known to be male dominated comes with its own challenges, one has to adapt to the changes and accept the challenge to survive in the industry”.
An emotional Pari says, “The highlight of my career was sailing on a PNG registered vessel on international voyages on a worldwide trade. I say to all upcoming female seafarers, sail beyond the horizons”.
Captain Rhonda Pari - Nautical Tutor and Dr. Jeff Kinch - Principal NFC

Autonomous Region of Bougainville Participants Arrive at the National Fisheries College for Training Certificate 2 in Aquaculture

Students from AROB complete Aquaculture training
The National Fisheries College is privileged to receive its first participants from the Autonomous Region of Bougainville for training in Certificate 2 in Aquaculture. The Certificate 2 in Aquaculture is a ten week training and follows on from a Certificate 1 in Aquaculture training that was conducted for the same participants in 2018. The training runs from the 3rd May to the 1st of July 2020.
The ARoB participants are a mixture of seaweed and fish farmers, Vocational Training Centre Instructors and Officers from the ARoB Agriculture and Community Development Officers.
Peter Salei is a seaweed farmer from the Carteret Islands and is a retired Teacher who hopes that the National Fisheries Authority and the ARoB Government may revive the seaweed project so he can assist other people to develop and maintain their seaweed farms with the technical knowledge he is receiving from this training.
Another participant, Amanda Taiko, is a mother of two who is a TVET Instructor is hopeful that aquaculture trainings will be introduced into various TVETs across ARoB. Amanda conveyed ARoB Acting Secretary, Mary Remis sentiments of thanks to the NFA for supporting VTC Instructors.
ARoB Provincial Fisheries Officer, Douglas Ben assisted with logistics for this training is hopeful that from this training, aquaculture can be strengthened in ARoB with the knowledge and skills these participants bring back with them.
Fabian Kungere, a fish farmer from Nagovis is also wanting to assist other fish farmers in his area with skills he receives from this training and wants to see further support from the NFA and the ARoB government to assist fish farming expand.
This training is funded by the National Fisheries Authority and is part of ongoing government support for developing fisheries in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
The Prime Minister Hon James Marape visited Kavieng on the Wednesday, 15th July to officiate at the ground-breaking ceremony for the upgrading of the Kavieng Airport and runway extension. After this ceremony, the Prime Minister Hon James Marape along with other colleagues from National Parliament including the Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Hon Lino Tom; Minster for Treasury Hon Ling Stuckey; Minster for Transport and Infrastructure Hon William Samb; Minister for Forestry Hon Solan Misirim; Minister for Civil Aviation Hon Lekwa Guru attended the National Fisheries College. The Member for Samarai-Murua Hon Isi Leonard and the Member for Namatinai Walter Snaubault also attended as well as the New Ireland Provincial Administrator Lamiller Pawut and the New Ireland Provincial Deputy Governor Sammy Missen.
In his welcoming speech to the Prime Minster, the Deputy Principal Matia Rikis stated that it was an honour for the National Fisheries College and the National Fisheries Authority as a whole to receive such a highly distinguished delegation.
After addressing Staff and Students at the National Fisheries College, the Prime Minster Hon James Marape was then briefed on the training programme conducted its future plans and significance for developing the fisheries sector in Papua New Guinea but also other Pacific Island Countries and Territories.
Prime Minister Hon James Marape voiced his support for the National Fisheries College and acknowledged it importance as a specialised skills competency-based training institution. Prime Minister Hon James Marape also noted the importance of the National Fisheries College as an integral part of the Marape-Stevens goal of ‘Taking Back PNG’ by providing training for the fisheries sector, from the community member to the commercial sector.
The National Fisheries College has been providing training to Papua New Guinea’s fisheries sector since 1977 and is a Business Unit of the National Fisheries Authority. The National Fisheries College provides specialised skills competency-based training in Fishing Operations, Post-Harvest Operations, Fisheries Business, Aquaculture, Fisheries Compliance and Management, as well as selected programmes for Fisheries Observers.