National Fisheries Authority (NFA)
Papua New Guinea
‘Effectively Managing Our Fisheries and Marine Resources for Sustainable and Equitable Benefits’

Strategic Networks and Linkages
Key line agencies
In order to sustain the NFA key role in stimulating economic growth and development in support of export
driven economic growth, NFA sustains close working relations with government departments and statutory
agencies that facilitate and promote the work of NFA.
These include:
Department of Commerce & Industry;
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade & Immigration;
Department of National Planning and Monitoring;
Department of Finance and Treasury;
Internal Revenue Commission (IRC); and
Independent Competition Consumer Commission (ICCC).
Private Sector Operators
Recognizing the importance of a vibrant private sector as the key to economic development, NFA maintains
close working relations with private sector stakeholders through regular planned consultations, informal meetings and private sector participation in fishery advisory and management groups.
In addition, the private sector, through the Fishing Industry Association of Papua New Guinea is represented
on the Board of NFA.
Key Development Partners
The Government of Papua New Guinea is a party to numerous development and investment related international arrangements, agreements and treaties, both bilateral and multilateral. For NFA, key development partners in the previous corporate plan period have included:
Asian Development Bank (ADB);
European Union (EU);
Australian Aid (AusAid);
Japanese International Corporation Agency
German Technical Assistance (GTZ); and
Chinese Government.
Management Organization Structure
The organization is led by a Managing Director appointed by the National Executive Council and empowered
to act under the Fisheries Management Act 1998. The Managing Director appoints a Deputy Managing
Director. NFA has been structured into nine business groups, each under the leadership of a Executive Manager reporting directly to the Managing Director. This has created direct accountability for the performance of each business group through a flat organisation structure. All business groups are based in Port Moresby except the Institute of Sustainable Marine Resources (ISMR) which is based in Kavieng, New Ireland Province.
The flat structure is also important to ensure the necessary high level of cross-functional coordination that is
achieved through:
Regular senior management meetings to discuss issues, coordinate priorities and share information;
Monthly financial review meetings to present and review the performance of each business group
against planned goals, budgets and key performance indicators;
Project meetings as required to monitor shared activities; and
Regular ongoing contact and consultation between staff members as necessary.